Max Piffoux

He is co-founder and scientific advisor of EverZom. He has a master degree in Molecular Engineering from Art & MĂ©tiers ParisTech, a master degree in statistics and bioinformatic, and a PhD in Sciences from Matter and Complex Systems Laboratory (National Centre for Scientific Research, France). During his thesis, he developed the production process that are the origin of EVerZom creations (co -author of its core patents), he is therefore an expert in therapeutics applications and high-yield exosomes production. He is also member of the scientific board of Evora Biosciences, a company specialized in the therapeutic use of EVs. He is currently a Medic student in oncology.

biogenesis of exosomes

Main takes on exosome biogenesis Regarding biogenesis of extracellular vesicles, three different pathways are...

Exosome stability and storage

The stability of extracellular vesicles (EVs) both before injection and after injection is a critical parameter to...

Exosome immunogenicity

To allow its use in humans and avoid side effects/risks or loss of potency, extracellular vesicles have to be tested to...

Extracellular vesicle mechanism of action

A wide range of effects The field of extracellular vesicles has also to face regulator questions, in particular a...

Extracellular vesicles in health and disease

Extracellular vesicles in physiological conditions Extracellular vesicles are found in every body fluids, and play many...

Exosomes at the age of uncertainty

Nowadays, everyday 5 to 10 papers are published in the EV field (1853 in 2017 only with the keyword “extracellular...